MWP Spotlight: Lirija Kajosevic


In my 5+ years as a journalist, I have never done an interview live. As I tuned into my Instagram Live with Lirija Kajosevic, President & Founder of Crescent Star Creations, to say I was nervous was an understatement; however,a few minutes into our chat my nerves disappeared because she was an interviewer’s dream. She answered questions honestly and her passion for the business she’s created shined through.

Excerpts from our interview -

May 26, 2020


Tell us about yourself and your journey in starting Crescent Star Creations (CSC).

My name is Lirija Kajosevic. I’ve been married 15 years, [I’m] a mom of 4 kids (Dean 15, Ava 13, Alina 11 and Adam 7), part-time worker in retail, and founder of Crescent Star Creations. Once I gave birth to my first child, I knew it was my responsibility to instill faith in our home. It was important for me to start traditions that my children would respect, love, and insha’allah continue in their own homes one day. Thus, Crescent Star Creations was born. My company is founded on my hopes to elevate our homes with decor during the month of Ramadan, Eid and year round. For all who enter our homes to know that it’s different. It’s a home where Islam is practiced and that it’s the home of proud Muslims! It is built on my taste and style, and each product created is a reflection of something I’d use in my own home.

My journey in starting CSC was by starting an instagram account. I knew if I just kept my ideas in my head, it wouldn’t go far. I needed to let people know because it would push me to start and there would be no turning back. That was my starting point.

What are some obstacles you faced getting the business off the ground?

There were many obstacles in getting my business off the ground. Two major obstacles were sourcing manufactures and the financial responsibility that came with having a business. When it came time to source manufacturers, I didn’t know where to start. Do I source in the US or internationally? Where do I find these manufacturers? How can I trust people I don’t know? All the uncertainties were nerve racking. The second obstacle was the financial strain it put on my husband and myself. I didn’t and still don’t have any investors. I wasn’t prepared to start a business, let alone save money for it. Paying for products upfront when you’re not even sure if they will sell was scary and still scary.

There are many decor companies out there, how do you stay different? Have you had to trademark any products because people were copying your designs?

With many decor companies, I stay different by creating items that are to my taste. Everything I do, I think of myself. Would I want it or love it? I’m a sucker for all things pretty from products to packaging. I think one major thing that sets me aside from other companies is my packaging. I wanted customers to feel special and know that I put time and effort into their orders and appreciate them. Trademarking products is another level and I’m not there yet. I’ve recently started to see a few companies copying certain items of mine, but what can you do? I find comfort in knowing my styles are better and nicer (in my opinion). I’m flattered they found inspiration in something I’ve created.

How do you balance motherhood and business?

Balancing motherhood and business is a struggle. I’m still trying to figure it out. Prior to COVID-19, I would work while the kids were in school or late at night when they went to sleep. I’ve also had to let go of not having the house clean and perfect all the time.

What has the response been to your products? You recently had a harsh review. As a small business owner, how do you deal with such comments?

Alhamdulillah, the responses to my products have been amazing! I am so grateful. However, I did recently have a few negative reviews (a 1 star and 3 star review) which really upset me. They were reviews based on things out of my control. As a business owner, I just apologize and give my own feedback to their review,but I do need to learn to take my emotions out of the situation.

Small businesses have been affected by COVID-19. How has it affected your business strategy?

COVID-19 definitely has definitely impacted my business. It has caused manufacturing delays and shipping delays that have cost me a lot of unnecessary cost; however, I am so grateful for everyone sharing my business with their family and friends and making purchases during this difficult time for us all.

What is your advice for budding entrepreneurs?

My advice for budding entrepreneurs is to keep going and don’t give up! Although having a business comes with many stresses, it’s also very gratifying. Seeing families grateful and happy for all your hard work and efforts is the best feeling ever! If you’re just starting, plan a head and start slowly. Success doesn’t happen overnight but insha’Allah you’ll get there!

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